Valera & Natasha Cherkashin Watercolors, Drawings and retouch pencil Акварели, рисунок, карандаш ретушь 1983
Люди на Красной площади. 1 People in the Red Square. 1993, 61x43 cm
Люди на Красной площади. 2 People in the Red Square. 1993, 61x43 cm
Люди на Красной площади. 3 People in the Red Square. 1993, 61x43 cm
Люди на Красной площади. 4 People in the Red Square. 1993, 61x43 cm
Люди на ВДНХ 1 People in the Exhibition of Economic Achievements. 1993, 61x43 cm
Люди на ВДНХ 2 People in the Exhibition of Economic Achievements. 1993, 61x43 cm
Люди на ВДНХ 3 People in the Exhibition of Economic Achievements. 1993, 61x43 cm
Люди на ВДНХ 4 People in the Exhibition of Economic Achievements. 1993, 61x43 cm