Valera & Natasha Cherkashin
Since the Cherkashins' exhibits are developed in relation to particular themes and correspond to individual exhibition spaces, their compositions varies from exhibit to exhibit. Exhibitions are composed of photographic materials and newspapers, which are turned into pictures, bouquets of flowers, and figures of people. The print medium attempts to convey auditory, graphic, and rhythmic information. All of these different artistic forms converge in the unifying space of an exhibition, where each element remains at the same time a work of art in its own right.
The Portrait of Gorbachev, 1991 (80x100cm)
The King of the Metro, 1990 (80x100cm)
A Worker and a Peasant. 1992 (50x60)
The Underground Butterfly 1. 1991 (125x145)
The Underground Butterfly 2. 1991 (125x145)
From the series Exhibition Halls of The Cherkashin Metropolitan Museum. 1990 (80x100 cm)
From the series Exhibition Halls of The Cherkashin Metropolitan Museum. 1990 (80x100 cm)
The Caryatid of the 30's. 1990 (150x130)
In Private. 1990 (145x130)
Nudes of the Russian Avant-guard. 1990 (100x80)
Imperial Nudes. 1990 (150x130)
Central Pavilion of the USSR(200x150) 1990
Exhibition of Economic Achievements, (60x50) 1990
Moscow State University (200x150) 1990